Individual Therapy
PsyArts believes that one-size-fits-all therapy isn’t the way. With the popularity and rise of pop psychology, it can obscure the reality that everyone’s situation is unique and needs to be treated as such. PsyArts allows you to customize your individual therapy experience even further with 3 specialized options.
Self Directed Counseling
This therapy will provide you a safe space to vent and process your emotions and thoughts in a non-judgmental environment.
Treatment Plan Structured
We’ll collaborate to create your own individualized treatment plan. It will be solution-focused therapy that focuses on your chosen goals. We’ll review and update it every month or every 3 depending on your preferences.
Creative Arts
This therapy will focus on expression. Creative prompts will provided (based on your preferences including art, journaling, and creative story writing [stories and lyrics]). You’ll have the option of working on your own creative work.
3-in-1 Individual Therapy or No Track
You have the option to choose all of the tracks or not choose a track at all.
Any Questions?
Don’t I need to be sick to need therapy? Why should I even start?
Not at all. You don’t need a mental illness to benefit from therapy. Everyone has mental health in the same way they have physical health, so taking action increases your wellness overall. You don’t need to be falling apart to justify it. Therapy can provide you with It also can help to not wait until things get bad in order to get help – it isn’t a last resort. It acts as a preventative and maintenance measure.
Does something wrong have to be going on? Can things be okay or can life be going great?
Things can be okay or going great and therapy can still work for you. It can help you plan for future goals, celebrate achievements, strengthen relationships, feel supported, and enter a new stage of life.
What do we even talk about in therapy? I don’t even know what I would say.
You don’t necessarily need to know what to talk about before you come to therapy. We’ll process things from your day-to-day and themes in your life such as thoughts, behaviors, emotions. More importantly therapy is for you. You can talk about anything and everything you want to talk about even if it doesn’t seem related to why you’re in therapy. It’s time to express yourself freely.
What is art therapy?
Art therapy is a modality for self exploration through the duality of art and psychology. It’s essentially a form of therapy that utilizes both verbal and non-verbal communication. Although semantics and language in general has revolutionized the way we converse, there are some things that are easier to express through non-verbal communication.
What if I don’t know what individual track I want to choose? I’m not even sure I want a track.
That’s more then okay. We can try all of them out. The track isn’t fixed, but it’s just a way for me to help you in the way you want. You also don’t need to choose a track.
Do I have to be good at art?
In art therapy, we focus on the value of creating for arts sake. It’s about the process, not the product. You don’t need any art experience to benefit from it.
Does creative art therapy only include drawing and painting?
No not at all, there are so many forms of art therapy. I specialize in art, journaling, and creative writing (including story and lyric writing).